The Little World...
What is this fascination my family has with the little world? My mother's initials were E.L.F., our niece has the same initials, and she just had a baby with name of Aubrey, whose meaning translates to "Elf." Our father made gorgeous doll furniture - now in the homes of many miniature collectors, and our parents helped establish the Cleveland Miniature society. My mother had a ceramic elf collection, which she displayed on the mantle every Christmas, they are now divided amongst us siblings.
When I was a child, I made tiny houses, barns, horses, clothes and paper dolls, all out of cardboard. Was our family really pixies in a different life?!?!?
Our etsy shop has many prints of our silhouette cuttings, and now the latest is a wee smaller version of them, 2.5" x 3.5". They look so sweet, you can't stop touching them. Some are inspirational, and need to be on your desk, so you can be reminded of their message every day.
So, I was mice really have beds made out of match box holders? You know, hidden behind the walls thru their mice you see in the cartoons? Who knows? I bet they do...
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