Saturday, June 2, 2012

I Got the Blues...bla bla bla

Boy, I hate when I get into a funk like this.  What is my problem???? I am feeling bored, so I need to start a new project.  So, what I started this morning was really really really cleaning my bedroom,  I am tired of living with the dust bunnies, they are taking over my space and it is time for them to go to outside.
So, that helped my mood a tad.  Now you will never guess what my next project is to brighten my mood, this is a strange new underwear!!  TA DA!!  How funny is that.  So, tomorrow, when my hubby goes out of town, I am off to the mall, life is looking better;  have the house to myself, have a clean bedroom, have new underwear...and oh yes, one more thing.  New pencil/pen from the office store.  Nothing, and I mean nothing, lightens your load like a new pen/pencil and pad of paper.  True bliss.

And then I am off to my art room to paint, yes, I need to my new underwear... 

Here is what the Shop Sisters look like when wearing new underwear...HA!! See, we are happy happy happy happy!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Little World...

What is this fascination my family has with the little world? My mother's initials were E.L.F., our niece has the same initials, and she just had a baby with name of Aubrey, whose meaning translates to "Elf."  Our father made gorgeous doll furniture - now in the homes of many miniature collectors, and our parents helped establish the Cleveland Miniature society.  My mother had a ceramic elf collection, which she displayed on the mantle every Christmas, they are now divided amongst us siblings.
When I was a child, I made tiny houses, barns, horses, clothes and paper dolls, all out of cardboard. Was our family really pixies in a different life?!?!?
Our etsy shop has many prints of our silhouette cuttings, and now the latest is a wee smaller version of them, 2.5" x 3.5". They look so sweet, you can't stop touching them. Some are inspirational, and need to be on your desk, so you can be reminded of their message every day.

So, I was mice really have beds made out of match box holders? You know, hidden behind the walls thru their mice you see in the cartoons? Who knows? I bet they do...